
Password Protect Excel Sheet from Viewing

Password Protect Excel Sheet from Viewing | How to Securely Password Protect an Excel File

Password Protect Excel Sheet from Viewing- How to Securely Password Protect an Excel File-TechTipsExpress
Password Protect Excel Sheet from Viewing How to Securely Password Protect an Excel File

Password Protect Excel Sheet from Viewing | How to Securely Password Protect an Excel File

Password Protect Excel Sheet from Viewing: Microsoft Excel remains the foremost popular spreadsheet application within the world. Excel spreadsheet data is usually sensitive, containing personal or financial data. Understandably, you would possibly consider additional protection for your Excel files, like a password.

You can password protect an Excel file or spreadsheet using various options, including the integrated Excel password tool or other third-party Excel password toll options.

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Password Protect An Excel Spreadsheet Using Integrated Tool

The 1st option for Excel file password protection is an integrated tool provided by Microsoft. the whole Microsoft Office suite features comes with a password protection tool you’ll use to secure your files, like – Excel spreadsheets, Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, and so on.

In Excel,

  1. Head to File > Info
  2. Select Protect Workbook
  3. Then Encrypt with Password from the Dropdown Menu

Here within this video, I show you – Password Protect Excel Sheet from Viewing | How to Securely Password Protect an Excel File – In Hindi

Therefore, this is often all about “How do I Protect an Excel File with a Password”. I hope you are able to understand all the process regarding this subject. Try it out and let me know what you think of it below!

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Written by Tapas


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